About Us

We are a clock factory that produce our own movements. The factory is located in China and Vietnam.

We aim to provide the best quality and price directly from the factory to end user, without any concerns about payment issues with trading partner or the need for resource-consuming recovery actions.

We hope our customers to enjoy a peaceful, serene, and comfortable home life. We believe that every moment spent at home should be pleasant and relaxing.

Our product range is extensive, each item is carefully selected and designed to ensure its quality and functionality meet the needs and expectations of our customers. Whether it's a garden decoration, a furniture or a high-quality clock, we are committed to offering customers the best choices.

Our goal is to create an ideal home environment for our customers, where they can find moments of tranquillity and relaxation. We believe that a comfortable home setting can enhance people's quality of life and happiness. Therefore, we not only focus on the quality of our products but also emphasize the combination of design and functionality, ensuring that customers truly enjoy the beauty of home life when using our products.

Our team consists of a group of professional and passionate individuals with extensive experience and expertise, dedicated to providing customers with the best products and services.

Thank you for your interest in our company and products, and we look forward to creating a wonderful home life together.